Devo dire che, contrariamente a quanto detto dal docente il quale sosteneva che scattare cose che ci riguardano è più semplice che immedesimarci in un contesto “fissato”, ho fatto davvero fatica.
Ai posteri l’ardua sentenza!
A presto!
Lesson nr. 2 of the course of photography: a sequence (min 5 - max 10 pictures) to tell a story or rather, a story that we are experiencing at first hand, or memories, or our lives ... in short: anything that affects us!
I must say that, contrary to what was said by the teacher who claimed that take pictures of things that affect us is easier than identifying in a "fixed" theme, I was really hard. Not so in choosing the theme (the company where I work was put into liquidation in July, we are still working but you can imagine ... I looked like a perfect theme!), But being "inside" the subject I could not realize where the pictures convey the message or not ...
This weekend I also produced a lot of stuff for Halloween (the feast that I have never endured, but this is a down period and I take every opportunity to celebrate) but I cannot even post because they have not yet arrived a destination ...
See you soon! Chiara
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Semplicemente... grazie!